From the Inside Out Piano Studio
Thank you for your interest in my studio. I strongly believe that everyone is capable of learning music and I have had a passion to teach music to children and adults. My approach to teaching music is different than many as I believe the research and science shows that, in order to have a true understanding of music, there is a sequence that must be followed. That sequence is very similar to the way children learn how to listen, think, talk, read and eventually write. They must listen to music, sing, copy and move to rhythms, all the while listening for patterns and then being able to recognize them by ear and in their mind, they then can relate what they hear to what they see in music notation. This theory is backed by strong scientific research, done by musician and educator, Edwin Gordon. My classes and lessons include listening to music, copying tonal and rhythm patterns, games that help them to hear patterns, learning pieces on the piano, improvising and exploring at the piano and learning basic piano technique (how to efficiently and safely use your body to produce the best possible sound). I also include lots of fun, child friendly fun: Old Fashioned Circle Singing Games, Puppets, Playing on colorful hand bells, creating stories to go with songs and other fun complimentary activities.
Current Class Offerings
KEYBOARD GAMES* - 50 minutes (limit 5 students per class)
This class is for ages 4-7 (even if they have had previous lessons):
In this class we discover how to develop musical flow, copy basic rhythm and tonal patterns, sing folk songs, learn many short rote pieces on the piano, listen and move to music and develop beginning audiation skills.
MUSIC MOVES FOR PIANO* – 50 minutes Level 1 (limit 3 students per class):
This class is for beginners ages 8-11 and transfer students with only a year or 2 of lessons.
This class covers the same as Keyboard Games but moves a little quicker and covers more advanced skills like indentifying chords, playing arpeggios, cadences and songs in different tonalities, more advanced rote pieces and learning solfege syllables.
PRIVATE LESSONS (30, 45 and 60 minutes)*/**
Private lessons are for those who have completed one year in the Music Moves for Piano Level 1, beginners who are 12 and older and transfer students of any age who have had more than 2 years of lessons and have already been taught music notation (*these students are welcome in the above classes if they are willing to be open to a different way of teaching, which, once they get used to it, will find it much more satisfying).
* I welcome special needs students.
* Parents and siblings are welcome at all classes, but not required until the last 10 minutes of class so the students can demonstrate what they have learned and I can give instructions for practice at home.
** I do allow student to share 1 hour long private lessons with a friend, sibling, parent or another student, this is very fun for the students and helps them learn faster and motivate each other.
** The ages for these are flexible based on the needs of each student and schedule availability.
Possible Future Class Offerings
MUSIC PLAY for ages birth to 3 with parents
STRING INSTRUMENT CLASS for ages 6 and above to learn how to play the violin, viola, cello or harp.
Please let me know if you would be interested in these possible future classes.
Not sure if you will like the lessons? You may try 1 class for a one time fee of $10. If you continue, the fee will be applied to your tuition.
I have a Facebook page: From the Inside Out Music Studio. Please Like that page. I’ll use it to communicate general information to students.